Why Frida?

In 2017, I gave birth to my first child, a daughter. Preparing for her birth was quite a task. I knew I wanted a natural, medication-free birth, I just didn’t realize how many people would have an opinion about it! I kept my intentions hush-hush once people started questioning my sanity for wanting a natural birth. After birthing her, and keeping it medication-free, I found the confidence I needed to talk about taking an active role in choices surrounding birth. Her two brother’s labors, although both induced for medical complications, followed suit in being medication-free births.

Throughout all three of my labors, I had wonderful support from doulas and I finally knew what I was called to do. When it was written on my heart to become a doula, the timing didn’t quite mesh with our family, so I found a different avenue to satisfy my love of all things birth - teaching childbirth education. At first, it was in a hospital setting where little to no coping strategies were given besides medication. It was time for me to create my own childbirth education content to share with New Ulm and the surrounding areas in order to arm other moms with choices as they labor.

The opportunity came along to become a DONA-trained doula. After receiving my training, I set my sights on bringing childbirth education to life, and thus, Frida Doula was born. “Frida”, a German girl’s name meaning “peace” , felt right when envisioning the satisfying labor I desire for my clients. After speaking with a friend about my vision for a pregnant gnome as a nod to our German town, she “birthed” Frida who you see adorning the Frida Doula logo.